Well, my doodles are finally for sale! Last weekend I had a table at the
Fernwood Swap 'n Shop in Victoria.

I bought a full table, but ended up with a table and a half, when someone else didn't show up on time. And it's mostly doodles... am also selling a few gems from my mother's incredible book collection.

I am selling a combination of things, because I really don't know what will sell. But everything is an original. There are framed doodles, doodles with just a mat, doodle cards, doodle tins.... There are two types of framed doodles: new frames and "recycled" frames.

I doodled these two pics to tie together some colours in my bedroom, but have realized they are quite lovely and might appeal to someone.

The "recycled frames" is an intentional stream, to appeal to the people who are caring more and more about what goes into our landfills, and prefer re-used over new.

The clocks. Ah, the clocks. That's a longish story. But the short version is that I rescued 75 pharmaceutical promotional clocks (see standing clock, upper left) before they went to the landfill. And, one by one, I am turning them into doodle clocks. While I don't expect to sell them quickly - these are priced at $75 each - the whole concept generated a lot of interest. And it was nice to have something to talk about as people dropped by my table.

Also had lots of Valentine's stuff... including the coffee cup which can be spotted in the background.

The tins are actually magnetic spice tins from Canadian Tire, of all places!

I had fun with the Valentine's challenge: creating some love-centric doodles, some explicitly Valentine's, other's just love love love crazy. Once I got on a roll, I created quite a few.

Now, I have ended up going out of town for a few weeks, so despite my initial plans to be back at the market weekly, there will be a gap. And I'll be back post-Valentine's... The good news is that I have my work available for sale in Sidney at
Repeat Boutique (9768 Third Street). It's a great consignment store, combining fashion and home decor - and the owner Lynn has agreed to take my work. Repeat Boutique will be my exclusive sales location in Sidney. Hoping some Valentine's will find themselves closer to real live beating hearts over the next week or so....

Back to my table at the market, I created a little freebie basket, and filled it with teensy doodles - most about 1" square - featuring smiling faces and words like "dreams", or "memories".

Fascinating offering the books for sale, alongside the art. It's good for conversation. And my mom carefully selected the titles. As I was setting up the market, I was able to surf Abebooks.com and identify appropriate pricing for the first editions amongst the lot.
All in all, it was a great experience. And I look forward to repeating it again. In person. Though repeating via Repeat Boutique is equally cool.
I am having fun. After 3 years of doodling, and amassing oodles and oodles of doodles, it is great to turn the corner and to begin sharing them with the broader world. Eventually I will create a space for selling some of my works online but, for now, it`s enough to just be started....